Courtyard door

We produce various types of patio doors such as: self-supporting doors, sliding doors, hanging doors and swing doors.

Self-supporting doors are doors that are clamped at only one point via special wheels on special profile. The advantage of these doors is that you do not need a floor guide on the floor. Self-supporting doors require more space during the opening phase than sliding doors. The doors are made from hot-dip galvanized steel or stainless steel. Most of the time they are also finished with powder coating. Doors can be automated or manual.

Sliding doors open on a floor guide, are usually lighter and require only 0.5m more space than their length to open. The doors are made from steel and hot dip galvanized, or from stainless steel and most of the time also powder coated. They can be automated or manual.

Swing doors are mounted on pillars and are suitable for courtyards where there is not enough space left for opening. We know semi-automatic, automatic and manual doors. The doors are hot dip galvanized or made from stainless steel and most of the time powder coated.

Door fillings are made of various elements (horizontal, vertical bars, tubes, various panels, etc.) and various materials (galvanized steel, stainless steel, aluminium).

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    kljucavnicarstvo zdesar Zunanje stopnice, notranje stopnice, zunanje ograje, notranje ograje, nadtreski, okenske resetke, izdelava kabin in vrat za dvigala
    Kljucavnicarstvo Zdesar Zunanje stopnice, notranje stopnice, zunanje ograje, notranje ograje, nadtreški, okenske rešetke, izdelava kabin in vrat za dvigala001

    If you want to know more details about our production and sales program or would you like to order a quote, call us or send us an inquiry. We will be happy to help you.

    +386 1 787 51 59

    +386 41 640 406


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